I am sitting here in front of my computer bent like the pipes under my kitchen sink. I am so angry right now that I have been sitting here literally saying out loud...."it is okay Lorrie...some people are just lost and clueless." But needless to say...that has not abated my anger. I should probably pray for all of the people who in their ignorance do not know any better than to criticise and judge the character and integrity of others...when they A: do not know them...B: never walked in their shoes...and C: idolize themselves as the "AUTHORITY" on morality, character and parenting. Yep, you could say that someone started my fire and it is flaming!!!
Over the past couple of days, since John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, there has been an incredible amount of talk on TV, in the papers, online and on the radio about who she is, and can "SHE" as a woman lead....after all...she is a woman...a mother of 5 and her daughter is pregnant....she must be a BAD MOM!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can expect this type of discussion from a male dominated media...I see and hear it all the time. I even see and hear it in my job...."Oh they let women drive the ambulance???" or "oh...are you a nurse??" Here is one...Amanda...you and I hear this one all the time...."wow...you girls can lift this....must have eaten your Wheaties..." and we answer..."we have to take the same physical tests the guys do." and people are just amazed!
So what lit my fire??? The comments about how Sarah Palin must be a bad parent because her teenage daughter is pregnant...and that means she could never lead this country. Really??? REALLY!!! Seriously...people have been saying that. So if a woman's child gets pregnant and isn't married...that is a tarnish on her(the mom's) character...but if the PRESIDENTS of the United States....a.k.a....Bill Clinton, JFK...ect....can have flings....and that doesn't tarnish their character....what gives!!!!!
Don't get all defensive that I am slamming the Democrats either....this isn't political...it is moral!
So let me lay it out there .....I was raised a believer in Jesus Christ....was raised by parents who loved me and set up good moral values in our home. I grew up knowing right from wrong...and what sin was and that it has consequences....and yet...at 19 I was at college and met a guy...dated...had sex...bang...got pregnant. Consequences!!!! I had grown up a very intelligent young woman...who at 19... made a very adult decision...and found out that I wasn't such a grown up after all. What did my parents do....they told me they loved me...that they would support me....but that I had to now enter this phase of adulthood, parenting and marriage as an adult. And I did! Does that mean that my mother's character was bad??? That she wasn't a moral person..or that she should never be viewed as a person worthy of leadership??? All because of my choice???? Sounds a little silly when I say it like that doesn't it!
What about this...after 3 children, a marriage lasting 16 years...a divorce..and now a single mom for the last 8 years...does that make me a woman of lesser character???? I went to school full time, worked full time and raised a family full time....when my marriage ended...I still supported my children, and myself and paid my bills and was responsible...all by myself. No welfare...no food stamps....I worked. Did I struggle...yep. Was everything always easy...nope. Is is always easy in the best of marriages??? Nope. Do children always listen to their parents??? Nope. So who are these people who stand in judgement of a woman's character??? Now I am not saying that people can't or shouldn't voice their opinions...cause that would generate a whole string of nasty comments about "constitutional rights". Believe me...I get that people have those rights...cause I have to keep my mouth shut and smile and be nice (ignoring my constitutional rights) when anarchists shout their rights and throw rocks...poop....urine at people all because they have the constitutional rights to freedom of speech.(show me where is says in the constitution they people have the right to throw poop! really!!)
What I am saying is that right now there is a media storm that is leading the charge to question a woman's character and ability to be a leader...all because her daughter, not the woman...the daughter is 17 and not married and pregnant. Yet those same people will over look the moral actions of Bill Clinton or JFK...in fact...JFK has been idolized and celebrated as a womanizer!!! Hello..........are you really that hypocritical???? This is where I am now going to through in the comments of political party....people are so biased by political party that they idolize the who they think are the "Heroes" of their political party based only on that person being a liberal or conservative...and trash the moral character of those not of their "party" and make excuses for their own party's candidates...leaders...Presidents...."but they did a great job with the economy" but look at that Republican....her daughter got pregnant....bad person!!!! What is that?!
So...I got pregnant....and my mom isn't a morally corrupt woman....I am a single mom...and I am not a morally corrupt woman....(yes I sin and am not perfect but I am not a morally corrupt person...lacking any morals or values!) and my oldest daughter is the mother to an incredible two year old girl...and her and her boyfriend have lived together for 7 years....so that makes me someone who shouldn't be in a position to lead...or have authority??? Wow....the next time someone calls 911...I better just say..."no...I can't go....I can't make any decisions in authority or leadership or live saving skills...I got pregnant at 19, I am a single mom...ect..........." Now how stupid does that sound? Exactly!
Billy Graham's son, Franklin, was a drug user when he was a teenager....so that meant that Billy Graham was someone that lacked moral character and it was his fault that his son did drugs???? Really??
Laura and George Bush's two girls did some things that got them into trouble in their teenage years...so Laura and George Bush are bad parents???? Really???
Your moral character can only be judged by your own actions. Not those of your children.
Yes we all know about the double standards that exist in our world. If we have the constitutional right to freedom of speech...why not actually use it to stop the double standards instead of adding to them just because you are a supporter of another political party. Think about it....how quick are we to spout off about the things others do...or their children do...all while refusing to talk about the decisions the person we think is sooo perfect is making. We excuse who they support and defend....but trash the opponent on the lack of moral character ???? Double standard...and it is pathetic.
So that is my rant today.
Oh and about a woman's ability to lead?? Check out what the Prophetess Deborah did in the Bible. Or Queen Esther. Or Naomi and Ruth. Or some of the women of the New Testament.
That's where I look when I want an example of moral character!
Thanks for enduring that fiery rant....
Lots of Love,
Jezi Pou Ayiti (Jesus for Haiti)
8 years ago
I'm pretty sure that it's...like...Amendment 1027 or something...that gives anarchists the civil right to throw poop at paramedics and police. You know, because the government takes such good care of US, too.
Well said, lady ;)
Thanks so much for link love on your sidebar! One of my favorite parts of the RNC the other night was when Sarah Palin's husband brought their baby,Trig, along with their other children up on the platform after Sarah was done speaking, and Sarah just gave Trig a great big hug. Thanks for your rant...yes and amen.
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