Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I prefer to grind my whole beans daily thank you!

I really enjoy coffee.  I love the shine of the darkest roasted beans. I love inhaling the bouquet of the mixture of scents within the whole bean.  When grinding the whole bean, the fragrance is intoxicating.  Of course I french press my freshly ground beans every morning.  A little half and half, a little Stevia, and sometimes a dollop of homemade freshly whipped whip cream...oooo la la!!!!!!!!!
 While making my coffee this morning, I was thinking about some news that many of us at our church received last night about a young man, newly married, soon to be a father, told he has brain cancer.  I have an issue with brain cancer.  You could say I hate it.  I lost my Aunt Robin to brain cancer on my birthday last November 2009. 
My thoughts switched to the sleepless two hours I had from 2 to 4 last night.  I spent some of that time praying.  The rest of the 2 hours I was writing blogs in my head.  No...I am not crazy.  These thoughts and blogs were swirly in my head and I was finding it difficult to shut my brain off and fall back to sleep.  Although I did not get up and write like I considered, I awoke this morning with the intent to write while attacking the mountain of laundry taking over my hallway. I had a blog topic all formulated about the damages of affairs on a woman, and how most people don't understand the depth of the betrayal that is. (watched an episode of Dr Phil about it this week, which is odd for me, I rarely watch him.)  I have a lot to say about this subject and was planning on writing about it today.
I also had a blog topic about being a whole person, and living whole.  Then I realized that I could incorporate that into the blog about betrayal.  Then came the blog about eating desserts with fresh whipped cream and relating that to living life with passion and gusto.  Then I realized that I could include that into the blog about being a whole person and living past betrayal. 
All these thoughts smoldering in my brain while making my coffee.  And then I had this weird thought.  I would rather grind my own beans fresh every day then let someone else grind them for me. what is my point?  I wasn't sure at that point but I knew that I there was a point to all of these messages and the coffee beans I grind up fresh every day.
Then as I sat down in front of my computer to look up some information on brain cancer to pass along to a friend of mine, I noticed an update on AOL about Elizabeth Edwards.  Her and her husband John were divorcing and she had written an additional chapter in her book now out on paperback.  There was a video link for the interview with Matt Lauer and Mrs Edwards.  I watched it.  Although I do not know her and probably never will, I have felt great empathy for her over the last few years.  I have felt some of the same pain of lies and betrayal on my own skin.  It was listening to her interview that I connected all the blog dots.
I hope you can follow this.
  When you go into a coffee shop to buy coffee beans, they usually ask you if you want them to grind the beans or if you want to do it yourself.  I always grind them fresh myself every morning.  I choose which beans to grind.  I decide how much to grind.  I decide how much yummy stuff to add to my coffee.  And I enjoy every drop.  I do this on cloudy days, rainy days, blizzarding days, sweltering humid days, before sunrise days, or sleeping in days. 
There are going to be times in our lives where we feel ground up and it seems that the grinding will never stop.  When I am freshly ground everyday, I will releash my bouquet of sweet fragrance and flavor into my world.  I will live with purpose.   
The only way to enjoy the deliciousness of the coffee bean is to grind it daily.  I have enjoyed that deliciousness on my best days and my worst days.  I have lived through betrayal, lies and cancer.  I am living through a life of singleness and single parenting.  I am living a life of purpose and passion, even when I don't know what the next moment, hour or day will bring.  I trust my God!  I won't be the stale ground up coffee bean sitting on the shelf void of all of it richness and flavor.  I will be the whole bean that I grind up daily to release my flavor into this world.
I prefer to grind my whole beans daily myself, Thank you!

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